
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Accident…..Lemony Goodness

 posted 8/20/11 blogspot, copied 821/11
in the kitchen after making home-made buttermilk. I had
almost a 1/2 gallon of 1% milk and dumped Lemon Juice in it
to make buttermilk. I seldom measure things like this.I decided to make my pound cake recipe using 1/2 recipe, not
realizing that I was too short on my self-rising flour. I then cut
the recipe another 1/2, making it a 1/4 measurement of the full
recipe.( I used honey instead of sugar and olive oil instead of
good old butter.)
This turned out to be a very lemony, wonderful surprise. Of
course, I doubt I can use this buttermilk to make biscuits. But,
it will make delish waffles and pancakes, cookies,etc.
The last piece was spread with vanilla yogurt sprinkled with
cinnamon…..ummmm…Recipe follows :
2- 1/2 c. Self-Rising Flour
1/2 c. butter
1 -1/2 c. sugar
3 eggs
1 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
350   25-30 minutes.

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